Posts Tagged ‘Confidence Coach’

The Key to Getting Things Done Faster Than You Ever Imagined

The Key to Getting Things Done Faster Than You Ever Imagined

Do you feel like you should be much further along in life by now? Do you feel like your life or business is progressing at turtle pace? Well, more than likely it is! Since the beginning of time, humankind has had a passion for speed. We have taken ourselves from: walking to riding horses; from…

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Overcoming the #1 Leadership Fear

Overcoming the #1 Leadership Fear

I have learned that fear expresses itself in many ways. The most common fear is indecisiveness and the only solution to indecisiveness is clarity. There will always be unknowns, but indecisiveness magnifies fear and doubt. However, fear and doubt magically disappear once there is firm resolve to create a strategic plan for your future irrespective…

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Step Into Your Future With Life Confidence!

Step Into Your Future With Life Confidence!

The world makes a way for the man who knows where he is going. – Ralph Waldo Emerson You must see where you are going in your future before it arrives. Knowing where you are going in life produces confidence. You are on a journey to your destiny. You are traveling down the road to…

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What is Life Confidence?

What is Life Confidence?

How important is it to you to maximize the remaining days of your life? If you would have asked me this question when I was 16, I would have replied, “I don’t care about the rest of my life! I care about today! I am going to live by my favorite song by Prince, I…

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Are You a Leader of Destiny or a Leader of History?

Are You a Leader of Destiny or a Leader of History?

Leaders of destiny are future focused. They look through the front windshield as they drive forward on the journey to making their dreams come true. Leaders of destiny ask questions such as, “Where are we going? When are we going to get there? What are we doing? Why are we doing it? Are we getting…

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Imagine what is possible…believe it is possible for you!

Imagine what is possible…believe it is possible for you!

To ignite a destiny requires you to think the unthinkable. You can increase your leadership confidence by using your imagination. All creation begins in the imagination, which is the primary source for creating change and the incubator of all ideas that eventually make their way into reality. Your imagination creates and pre-plays pictures of things…

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Destiny in the Heart of a Leader

Destiny in the Heart of a Leader

The leadership process of turning a dream into reality begins with a deposit of destiny in the heart of a person to solve a major problem or meet an immediate need. Jack Welch took over as the CEO of General Electric (GE) during a time when the company was facing some major challenges. This leader…

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Becoming a Leader of Destiny

Becoming a Leader of Destiny

The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what it is one’s destiny to do, and then do it. –Henry Ford Destiny asks the question…“What does the picture of your future look like?” Destiny is the beginning process of inventing or reinventing a person or organization. Most people and organizations trap themselves…

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Quickest Way to Get Your Momentum Back

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When you’re determined, it means you’ve got to give up some things in order to do the new things that you need to do to get what you desire, to get what you really want. Most people, they want things, but they’re not willing to be determined. So determined that they’ll stop watching TV, that…

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2020 Vision?

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Everybody is talking about having 2020 vision. A couple of thoughts: First, 20/20 vision isn’t “perfect” vision. Actually, 20/15 is perfect vision. Second, having a clear vision isn’t some sort of “prophetic” word from God just because the numbers or the year match up. Having a clear vision isn’t a prophetic word it’s a principle…

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